
Hey y'all! I wanted you to have the chance to get to know me, FeralXHousewife, also know as Mackenzie. I started this sourdough journey because I wanted to learn how to make different types of bread and because I really wanted to be consistent on taking care of myself. I feel that sourdough and humans have so much in common. To care for yourself is a lot of work. Most of us have a hard time finding the time to do so. I was one of those people that always put my self on the back burner. Searching for a way to nurture myself, I found that nurturing a sourdough starter was a great place to start. You see, nurturing a sourdough starter involves feeding it, watching it rise, feeding it again and then eventually watching it bloom into an active sourdough starter. This process Correlated in my own life because I needed to be fed and nurtured and fed again and then to become a Bubbly, blossoming person. So I made sure that every night I took care of my sourdough starter, which held me accountable to take care of myself. My family and I playfully named my sourdough starter "Sally". Sally took 8 days to become an active sourdough starter. In those 8 days I learned how to be consistent and to never give up and above all else how to have grace and patience with myself and of course, Sally. Every night when I cared for Sally, I also intentionally did something for myself. Whether it be Read a few chapters of my book. Take a long shower or simply have a meaningful conversation with my family. I did things that brought back life to me just as the nightly feedings Eventually gave life to Sally. Nurturing my bubbly starter patiently waiting for her to rise. The rhythmic kneading, Was a meditation that flourished my self-care journey. Watching the dough slowly transform, Feeling connected to Bakers throughout history, That heavenly aroma filling my kitchen as it bakes, And slicing into a crusty loaf Really laid the foundation to whom I wanted to be. The simple ingredients Brought so much flavor and nourishment, Not only to Sally, But to me as well. Now I get to share Sally and all the things I make with her with you. I believe that sharing warm bread with loved ones, and friends is a humble gift from my heart to yours.


FeralXHousewife ❤️